Transport & Courier

GST Confusions - Is GST applicable for printed books - Is UPS, PacktPub and Lightning Source printing saying so?

Is GST applicable for the import of printed books? Going through internet pages I thought it was NIL, until courier company and PacktPub publishers convinced me otherwise. Yes, these GST rules are a bit confusing for a common man. Continue reading if you want to understand what I mean.

Going through below public links I had the misconception that there is no GST for books and the HSN code 4901 support it.

PayTm Mall Fastag Scam or Lack of Professionalism and Better Ways To Handle Fastag Queries

Paytm takes the order for Fastag, then because of buggy software ask customer to send documents in mail after 10 days, and after 10 more days (total 20) they cancel without proper reason. The money is with them for at least 20 days and it takes upto 34 days to reach you back. What about the interest? 500 from one person is ok, but what if there are many people like me? Is it a scam or just lack of professionalism?

Honda Car Service - With Expensive Service, Is It Wrong To Expect Some Quality and Assurance?

I have given my car for a minor body repair work on the rear bumber at a Honda Service center (Whitefield Honda, ITPL Main Rd, Garudachar Palya, Mahadevapura, Bengaluru) and they said they will do service as well as it was 6 months from my previous service. I never knew at that time, it was my biggest mistake to ask them to service as well. The car was working fine and had no issues before service, but not after service. 

Uber Cabs Software and Customer Care Madness Continues

Uber is fooling customers with fake promo sms with hidden terms and conditions. Above all, on the same day two custmer care reps confirmed that I have promo active (apart from the SMS) and I made a trip. Then the third rep is telling there is no such offer. All details attached. It all started when I got an SMS that I will get an offer of 50% off for 5 rides will April 17th (screenshot attached). I travelled on April 17th and I got a discount of Rs. 50 and then I checked with them and they said, even if they don't say it, it is 50% off or Rs. 50, whichever is smaller.


I had taken Honda Assure car insurance from Roal Sundaram. This is a bumber to bumber zero depreciation insurance. It was verified and approved by the Roal Sundaram insurance representative and then it was serviced in WHITFIELD Honda service centre near Hoodi, Bangalore. I never got any advantage because of Honda Assure. There were two issues as part of the same accident and even agreed to raise two claims as they had directed. It was also delayed for almost three weeks.


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