
Packtpub Mapt Review - Cheating or Buggy Software?

I have an yearly basic subscription with PacktPub Mapt and I am supposed to read books and see videos. My subscription is valid until Feb 2019. However, on July 2018, I was suddenly not able to see videos or read books. There is no option in the website to rais a support ticket. Only option available to try was  to send a mail to the email maptsupport@packtpub.comI even tweeted to them.

RTI Responses From UGC and AICTE Regarding Validity Of BITS Pilani WILP Courses

After recent supreme court order related to distance courses, we contacted UGC and AICTE through Right To Information (RTI) facility for knowing their stand on the validity of the Work Integrated Learning Program (WILP) conducted by BITS and these were their responses.



Reply :- 1. to 4.

[U-Blog] UGC has declared 21 universities in India as Fake

UGC has declared 21 universities in India as Fake. Always check for the recognition of your university or college before joining a course. You can find the list of these 21 fake universities currently @ You can also find the list of valid universities @ the ugc website.

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